Google Places
Google Places: A Great Way to Get Your Business Noticed For Free
You know your small business exists. You probably spend a good portion of every day running it! The question is, how can you get people who have never been there before to notice you? Google Places is one great way to do it. Whether you are on a well-traveled corner, or if you’re tucked away on a winding country lane, Google Places will inform potential customers about your location, as well as give them information about the products or services you offer.
Why Google?
While there are other search engines out there, Google is by far the most popular, as well as the most comprehensive of them all.
What Is Google Places?
Google Places is a free service offered by Google, to help business owners inform consumers about their hours of operation, products and services, special offers, and more. Your business can display photographs and videos on Google Places, and you can communicate with clientele and get important feedback that can help you improve your bottom line.
What are Google Places Tags?
Google Places used to offer an additional service that placed special tags that look like coupons over your business. Tags were a way to stand out to potential customers, and while they didn’t improve SEO rank, they did create better perceived value. As of April 29th,2011 Google retired the Tags program.
Why Google Places Works So Well
According to the folks at Google, one in five internet searches are directly related to locations. Since Google places allows business owners the ability to update their offerings in real time, customers can find you and you have the opportunity to create a sense of excitement by adding special coupons just for customers who find you on Google Places. Add Google Places for smartphone users, and you just might see your business improve by leaps and bounds.
The bottom line is, your customers and potential new clients are looking for what they want on Google, and if you are there, you are going to be noticed. No one can pass up a great deal, so come up with a promotion, put it up on your Google Places Place Page, and watch the magic happen.